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School District Seeks Community Input on New Schools Plan

Meetings Planned for Jan. 18 and 25 at Kimpton Middle School

Since January 2020, the Stow-Munroe Falls School District Facilities Planning Committee has been meeting to discuss and develop plans for the replacement of aging schools in the district.

Their work to devise the most cost-effective yet functional proposals is complete and on Jan. 18 and 25, the district is seeking community input on the best way to move forward.

The Facilities Planning Committee reviewed six options and have narrowed those to three potential plans:

  1. Four new K-5 elementary schools, one new 6-8 grade middle school and renovations/updates to the high school;

  2. Three new K-5 elementary schools, one new 6-8 grade middle school and renovations/updates to the high school;

  3. Two new K-5 elementary schools, one new 6-8 grade middle school and renovations/updates to the high school.

In its October 2023 meeting presentation, the Facilities Planning Committee stated that Option 1 above (4 new elementary schools) would be the most preferred plan, but also the most expensive of the three options at a cost of approximately $262 million.

In addition to determining the best option for the school district, the administration also would like community feedback on the location of the new schools as the district owns property throughout Stow and Munroe Falls. For example, one location being considered is on Housley Rd., which would better serve residents in the Wyoga Lake neighborhood and surrounding areas, according to School Board President Nancy Binzel.

At a Jan. 13 meeting of the Stow Citizens for Non-Partisan Politics, Binzel said community input is vital because the community should make the decision on the best way forward.

Both meetings will be held at 6 pm at Kimpton Middle School at 380 N. River Road. As the discussion at both meetings will be identical, attendees need only attend one meeting.

View the professional assessments of the school district’s current buildings, conducted in 2019, which determined the need for the school district to invest in new facilities.



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