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REPORT CARD: Mario Fiocca - Ward 4

Getting Paid to NOT Do Much

No one really knows the basis for the votes Mario Fiocca casts, because he rarely talks. His votes generally fall completely in line with those of Stow City Council President Jeremy McIntire and Council Vice President Sindi Harrison.

Fiocca currently serves as Chair of the council’s Planning Committee, an incredibly important committee as it reviews all the details for any zoning variances and new development requested in Stow, impacting Stow residents directly.

Other than performing the perfunctory motions of holding a meeting, Fiocca seems otherwise disengaged from the committee’s conversations. He asks no questions and rarely offers any opinions or insights.

Fiocca offers no leadership or vision, there’s no evidence of him collaborating on anything other than voting and he’s minimally accountable to his constituents by being in regular attendance. It’s hard to grade Fiocca on professionalism because he does so little, so we’ll give him an Incomplete for that.

Stow Ward 4 residents deserve better.

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