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New Senior Center Contingent on City Council Approval

Cornerstone Church Purchase on Council’s Jan. 11 Agenda

Fresh off the opening of the new SKiP Park in July and the announcement of plans to update the playground at Meadowbrook Lake neighborhood park (5069 Hudson Dr.) this Spring, Mayor John Pribonic has his sights on improving recreation opportunities for folks at the other end of the spectrum.

The city announced its interest in purchasing Cornerstone Church at 5344 Fishcreek Road, which closed at the end of 2023, to replace Stow’s current senior center on Darrow Road. Mayor John Pribonic submitted legislation to City Council at its first meeting of the year on Jan. 3 to approve the acquisition for up to $735,000. According to a City of Stow press release, the list price for the 8,040-square-foot building, which sits on 5 acres, is $725,000.   

The Cornerstone Church on Fishcreek Road in Stow could become a new senior center for the city.
Cornerstone Church on Fishcreek Road in Stow

Now it’s up to Council

After getting approval from the city’s administrative controlling board, the mayor submitted the legislation as “an emergency,” asking City Council to expedite the purchase so that the city could close the deal quickly without potentially losing it to another buyer. In a Facebook post, City Councilman At-Large Kyle Herman noted that “councilmembers, city staff, and community leaders (including members Stow's Senior Citizen Commission and Parks & Rec Board)” had toured the facility the prior week.


While the administration had hoped City Council would suspend its rules for the typical three-meeting process, the vote to suspend the rules failed on a 5-2 vote, with Councilman At-Large Jeremy McIntire and Ward 4 Councilman Mario Fiocca voting against.  A minimum 6-1 vote was necessary to get past the rule for three public meetings.


As a result of that vote, City Council will need to discuss this purchase at two more meetings. The next City Council meeting at which the project will be discussed is this Thursday, Jan. 11.

Addressing a Major Need

The proposed purchase would meet a need for more space and programming for Stow’s growing senior population. At the time of the city’s 2017 Comprehensive Plan, Stow had more than 10,000 residents over the age of 55, or nearly 30% of its population – the largest demographic group in Stow.

The Cornerstone Church would enable the city to immediately address its need for more space for senior programming. The city’s current facility, a 1,700-sq.-ft. house at 3968 Darrow Road, can only accommodate 49 people at one time, and many people are turned away from activities. The church facility could accommodate up to 533 people among the sanctuary, fellowship hall, five classrooms, two offices and kitchen. The single-story building was touted as ideal for use as a senior center as it has been well-maintained and has no steps.

The city envisions being able to use the facility for more than senior activities.

Learn More, Give Your Feedback

There are two public opportunities coming up for Stow residents to engage with city officials to learn more about this proposal:

  • City Council meeting – Thursday, Jan. 11, 7 pm in City Council chambers

  • Stow Sunshine Project meeting – Monday, Jan. 15, 7 pm at the Stow ACME Community Room (4445 Kent Road)


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