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Council’s 4/25 Agenda: Environmental Initiatives, Updated Fireworks Law

Herman Proposal Will Test Council’s Commitment to City’s Comprehensive Plan

Stow City Councilman At-Large Kyle Herman has introduced two pieces of legislation that would have a direct impact on the quality of life for many Stow residents.

Stow City Councilman At-Large Kyle Herman
Stow City Councilman At-Large Kyle Herman

On Thursday at the Council of the Whole meeting, slated to start between 5:30-5:45 pm, City Council will hear a presentation from the non-profit group Power A Clean Future Ohio, which provides local communities with free consulting and resources to implement environmentally friendly policies that reduce carbon emissions through clean transportation, renewable energy, energy waste reduction, improved land use and federal grants.

In an interview, Herman said several nearby communities have already signed on with this group, including Akron, Munroe Falls, Cuyahoga Falls and Summit County government.

The advantage of working with a group like Power A Clean Future Ohio is that their proposals can “help us save money and get money,” through energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives and assistance with federal and state grants to pay for those efforts, Herman said.

The legislation that Herman proposed notes that the city’s Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2017, “supports environmental protection policies and strategies, including the conservation of natural lands and wooded areas, reduced energy costs and improved walkability/bikeability.”

The legislation calls for the city to “become a Power Clean A Clean Future Ohio Community” by working with the group to identify appropriate programs for the city.

Image by Svetlana from Pixabay

Also on the agenda is legislation Herman proposed to update the city’s fireworks ordinance, to limit the days and times that fireworks can be shot off in the city to just the week of the July 4 holiday from the hours of 4-11 pm.

“We’re trying to set a reasonable expectation for the city’s residents for when fireworks can take place and to be cognizant of the harm fireworks cause for people with PTSD and anxiety when they’re not expected,” Herman said. “Limiting the days when fireworks can be used will help animals as well.”

Those wishing to learn more about the city’s plans on these topics are invited to attend the Council of the Whole meeting as all City Council meetings are open to the public. Persons wishing to address council on these topics may do so during the public comment period at the meeting.

Anyone who is not able to attend the meeting but who would like to submit comments to council may do so via email to Emails are not read at the meeting, but are noted in the minutes if received by noon on the day of the council meeting.  

Other items on council’s agenda this week include:

  • The addition of a new full-time position for an Economic Development Coordinator and a full-time Engineer;

  • Changing the registration fees for building contractors;

  • Approval of the mayor’s appointment of Lindsay Kaiser Campbell to the Civil Service Commission;

  • Creation of a “Leave Donation Policy” for city employees that enables employees to donate their sick leave to co-workers suffering an illness or injury that requires an extended absence;

  • An ordinance to update the Civil Service Commissions hiring policies for the police and fire departments to expand the pool of qualified candidates;

  • A motion to approve a liquor license for Graze Craze, which is located at 3732 Darrow Rd.


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